Following a nearly year-long process to establish a formal lobbying ordinance for those seeking to influence city matters, the Sarasota City Commission has voted down the measure, instead [...]
The Seventh Circuit has issued instructions to permanently enjoin Indiana’s campaign contribution limits for independent expenditures despite the State’s refusal to enforce them as the Indiana [...]
Miami’s August 20, 2024 ballot will feature a proposal to close its existing Auditor General’s office and establish a new Inspector General’s office with expanded powers to investigate ethical [...]
An initiative reforming San Diego’s Ethics Commission through funding, appointment, and rulemaking changes will be featured on the ballot in November following a City Council vote approving the [...]
Recent Federal Election Commission rulings permitting PACs to coordinate text messaging and ground game operations with the candidates they support are part of a growing trend of the agency [...]
A bench trial over whether Colorado’s initiative-passed campaign contribution limits are unconstitutionally low is currently underway and set to conclude July 26. Plaintiff lawmakers in the case [...]
Legislation to expand the Los Angeles County Council, create a county executive, and institute a series of other administrative and ethics reforms has been advanced by the County Council in an [...]
As part of a sweeping campaign reform bill, Illinois political parties are now permitted to make unlimited contributions to candidates in primary elections. Previously, parties were limited in [...]
From ranked-choice voting, to open primaries, independent redistricting committees, judicial elections, and campaign contribution limits, states across the country will be voting on the most [...]
A recent $1.2 million appropriation to the Oklahoma Ethics Commission will permit the agency to continue to carry out its work while revamping its campaign finance and lobbying filing system in [...]